Businesses working together for Nature

Why businesses should get involved

Projects for Nature provides businesses with a unique opportunity to connect with high-quality nature projects across England.

By supporting projects through the Projects for Nature platform, businesses can demonstrate their contribution to environmental causes that align with their strategy and nature priorities. 

With Projects for Nature, you can be confident that you are supporting projects that will contribute to restoring nature across England and help to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.

This is the first exciting phase of Projects for Nature. And you can be a critical part of it. We are currently assessing demand for the platform through a pilot, so we cannot guarantee your involvement at this stage, but the expressions of interest will help us to understand the level of demand for our next phase. 

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How your business can get involved

Your business, your employees and other donors can donate to and support Projects for Nature.



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Business eligibility criteria

Everyone involved in Projects for Nature is partaking in a collective responsibility to help nature thrive. In order to protect the credibility of the initiative and live up to this ambition, we ask that all those offering to donate to a project meet the following Business Eligibility Criteria.

The below requirements represent the minimum eligibility criteria – businesses who do not meet these will not be able to progress with donations through our platform.

Read the criteria
The Nature Recovery Network

Useful resources


Nature Handbook for Business

A toolkit of guidance, actions and case studies for businesses to take action on nature.


The Nature Recovery Network

The Nature Recovery Network aims to expand, improve and connect space for nature across our cities, towns, countryside and coast through a national network of wildlife-rich places. A major part of the government’s Environmental Improvement Plan.


Environmental Improvement Plan 2023

The Environmental Improvement Plan sets out how the government will work with land managers, communities, and businesses to deliver each of the government's goals for improving the environment. These actions will help to restore nature, reduce environmental pollution, and increase the prosperity of the UK.


Environment Act

In 2021, the Government set a ground-breaking and legally binding target to arrest the declines in nature by 2030. This landmark Environment Bill will see the UK build on its reputation as a global leader in conservation.


Science Based Targets Network

The Science Based Targets Network (SBTN), a global coalition of 80+ environmental non-profits and mission-driven organisations, has released the first corporate science-based targets for nature. 


Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has developed a set of disclosure recommendations and guidance for organisations to report and act on evolving nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities. 

Need to find out more?