Over £350,127 raised so far

Together, we can help nature thrive

Welcome to Projects for Nature, a platform connecting business with nature recovery projects across England.

The Solution

Projects for Nature aims to connect businesses and other donors with quality nature projects, to help close the nature finance gap and recover the health of our planet. The more involvement, the bigger the impact.

What is Projects for Nature?

We are a pioneering platform, accelerating a movement to support nature by connecting businesses and other donors with projects to close the finance gap and recover the health of our planet.

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How are we different?

We have established a unique collaboration of businesses, eNGOs, expert environmental bodies and government. We have created a single digital platform that makes it easy for everyone to get involved.

Meet the collective


Our projects are being delivered by organisations with a track record of delivering benefits for climate, nature and people and have been individually screened to provide confidence to businesses and other donors. Our projects align with local and national priorities and support the government’s strategic environmental ambitions by providing a wide variety of nature benefits.

Explore projects

How can we help you?

Businesses like yours are already doing a lot to help nature. Projects for Nature can help you achieve even more. Through our platform, you will find projects of different objectives, sizes, locations, and nature recovery benefits. You can learn about their aims and how they align with your strategy and nature priorities.

Get involved

Be part of a committed collective

When you support Projects for Nature, you are supporting a passionate and powerful collective.

Our committed collective is made up of the Council for Sustainable Business, Accenture, Defra, Natural England and the Environment Agency, with Nature Recovery Network Partnership and Wildlife and Countryside Link as collaborators. This group of organisations came together to put passion into action by bringing Projects for Nature to life. 

We want to see more native species, wildflower meadows and woodlands. We can make that happen, and with your support, we will.

Crowdfunder is supported by

We are supported by these organisations
We are supported by these organisations
We are supported by these organisations
We are supported by these organisations
We are supported by these organisations
We are supported by these organisations

Founding Business Partners

Our Founding Business Partners play a crucial role in the success of Projects for Nature. They have already made progress to understand and address their environmental impacts. By collaborating with us, they become catalysts for nature recovery, contributing to the mobilisation of private finance to address the nature finance gap. They enable the realisation of our vision to channel donations to screened nature projects. Through their commitment, the Founding Business Partners can help drive the restoration of ecosystems, support biodiversity, and foster a harmonious coexistence between nature and society.

Crowdfunder is supported by

We are supported by these organisations
We are supported by these organisations

More founding partners coming soon


Crowdfunder is supported by

We are supported by these organisations

What we support

  • Nature conservation and nature restoration (including habitat and ecosystem restoration and species recovery).
  • Nature-based solutions that can help support nature as well as climate change mitigation or adaptation.
  • Connecting people with nature by supporting access, engagement, skills and employment.
  • Innovation in delivering nature recovery – such as new technology or original approaches.
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How we will achieve our goals

We will bring business closer to nature. We aim to bridge the gap between credible nature projects and those who want to fund them.

Projects you can believe in

Our projects have been screened and selected to help you champion critical nature recovery in England. Our project directory includes a variety of projects to meet a range of interests. 

Contributing to a shared goal

We are building a national movement of businesses, land managers and nature projects, with the support of expert environmental bodies and government, to help foster a nature-positive future for us all.