Comms Guidance 

Date of posting: 24/11/2023

All participating Businesses, Projects and Project Owners must follow this guidance.

1. Background

1.1 To help protect the integrity of the Projects for Nature initiative (P4N), this section specifies what businesses, projects and project owners can and cannot say about taking part in P4N.

2. Funding Partners

2.1 Funding Partners are encouraged to use P4N’s name, logo and promotional materials in conjunction with statements to the following effect: 

• We have donated to [project and project owner where relevant]. This project is part of [the P4N platform].

• [Project] is supported by [CSB/Accenture/Crowdfunder/Defra/EA/NE] and is designed to contribute towards government ambitions for nature recovery.

• Outline what the project aims to achieve and what the funding will cover, as agreed between the projects and donor. 

• We have been deemed to meet the eligibility criteria to participate in P4N, which are [insert relevant ones]. 

• Our financial contribution towards nature projects through P4N is in addition to, not instead of, the actions we are taking to transition to an [environmentally sustainable/nature positive] business model. (Businesses may wish to clarify the actions they are taking, as outlined in the business eligibility criteria.) 

2.2 Funding Partners may not say:

• We are delivering [project outcomes / nature recovery] in partnership with DEFRA or any of the P4N Founding Partners or Project Owners, or words to that effect, unless specifically agreed in writing with the other party.

• We have been chosen, selected, or endorsed by Defra, the Government (HMG) or any of the P4N Founding Partners or Project Owners, or words to that effect, unless specifically agreed in writing with Defra, HMG, the P4N Founding Partner in question or the Project Owner in question. 

• Participation in P4N makes us a ‘carbon neutral’, ‘net zero’ aligned, ‘nature positive company’ or any words to that effect. Taking part in P4N is additional activity and cannot be used to imply an offset for negative environmental impact of business activity. 

2.3 Funding Partners may not use branding, logos or imagery associated with Defra, Government (HMG) or any of the P4N Founding Partners or Project Owners, or claim any further affiliation with any of these parties on the basis of their participation in P4N, unless specifically agreed in writing with Defra, HMG, the P4N Founding Partner in question or the Project Owner in question (with the exception of promotional comms materials provided by P4N for that purpose, which may not be altered or cropped in any way).

3. Founding Business Funding Partners.

3.1 In addition to the above, Founding Business Funding Partners (the businesses committed to donating pre-launch) may use statements to the following effect:

• We are one of the founding business partners of the P4N initiative.

• We are committed to helping grow P4N in order to increase corporate philanthropy for nature restoration in England.

4. Projects and Project Owners

4.1 Projects and Project Owners are encouraged to use P4N’s name, logo and promotional materials in conjunction with statements to the following effect:

• We have received funding/donations from [Funding Partner] as part of [the P4N Platform].

• We are being supported by [P4N Founding Partners] and are working to contribute to government’s ambitions for nature recovery. 

• We are aiming to achieve X, and the received funding will be used for Y (as agreed between the project and the funder). 

4.2 Projects and Project Owners may not say: 

• We have partnered with Defra or any of the P4N Founding Partners or Funding Partners, or words to that effect, unless specifically agreed in writing with Defra, HMG, the P4N Founding Partner in question or the Funding Partner in question.

• Our selection for the P4N platform is equivalent to endorsement or a quality kitemark assigned by DEFRA, the Government (HMG) or any of the P4N Founding Partners or Project Owners. 

4.3 Projects and Project Owners may not use branding, logos or imagery associated with Defra, Government (HMG) or any of the P4N Founding Partners or Funding Partners, or claim any further affiliation with any of these parties on the basis of their participation in P4N, unless specifically agreed in writing with Defra, HMG, the P4N Founding Partner in question or the Funding Partner in question (with the exception of promotional comms materials provided by P4N for that purpose, which may not be altered or cropped in any way).